0 - EDTECH Conference
Igor Pesek , introduced the Training Need Analysis in EDTECH, in IRELAND in May 31, June 1, 2018. (http://programme.exordo.com/edtech2018/)
Presenter: Igor Pesek
1 - First International Science and Education Congress
Ercan AKPINAR gave information about the Educode project to the 45 participants in “International Science and Education Congress" organized by Afyon Kocatepe University, 23-25 March 2018, Afyon-Turkey.
Presenter: Ercan Akpınar
2 - Faculty Academic Board meeting (2018 & 2019)
Ercan AKPINAR, presented EDUCODE Project to faculty members of Buca Faculty of Education in Faculty Academic meeting in İzmir-Turkey in June, 11, 2018 and June, 29, 2019
Presenter: Ercan Akpınar
3 - Erasmus students and academics’ visiting
Ercan AKPINAR gave information about the Educode project to Dutch Erasmus students and academics who visited Buca Faculty of Education, İzmir, Turkey.
4 - "Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Öğrenci Kurultayı"
Bahar BARAN, informed ICT teacher candidates about EDUCODE in April 27, 2019 as a part of ICT student meeting of Computer and Instructional Technologies Student Congress in Turkey
Presenter: Bahar Baran
5 - "1st International Science, Education, Art & Technology Symposium "
Bahar BARAN presented “Practitioners’ Handbook” in UBEST (http://ubest.deu.edu.tr/) in May 02-04, 2019. Baran, B., Arslan, K. Akpınar, E., Pesek, I., Kermek, D., Hajdin, G. Hoyne, S., Krasna, M. & Oreski, P. (2019, May). Practitioners’ Handbook for Developing ICT Teacher Candidates’ Pedagogical Skills about Teaching Coding to Children", 1st International Science, Education, Art & Technology Symposium, İzmir-Turkey
Presenter: Bahar Baran
6 - "Entrepreneur Teacher Training- E-STEM"
Ercan AKPINAR presented the aim of the project and the contributions of the project to E-STEM studies in a workshop, which included 30 science and technology teachers and over 10 academicians from various fields in July 3, 2019. This workshop is a part of a larger project supported by a special project call of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey.
7 - "2nd International Instructional Technologies in Engineering Education Conference"
Kürşat Arslan made a presentation on How to Teach Coding: An example of Educode Project at 2nd International Instructional Technologies in Engineering Education Conference (2nd IITEEC 2019) " organizde by Ege University between September, 12-13, 2019, İzmir, (http://iitee.org/)
Presenter: Kürşat Arslan
8 - "4th International Symposium of Turkish Computer and Mathematics Education"
Assoc. Dr. Dr. Bahar Baran, Dr.Kürşat Arslan and Dr. Prof. Ercan Akpınar made a presentation titled “Erasmus + KA203 Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education Project: Developing Coding Teaching Competencies of ICT / STEM Teacher Candidates" in 4th International Symposium of Turkish Computer and Mathematics Education which organizde by Turkish Mathematics Education Association and other partners in İzmir, Turkey between September, 26-28, 2019 ,http://www.bilmat.org/turkbilmat2019/?s=0
Presenter: Bahar Baran, Kürşat Arslan, ve Ercan Akpınar
The one-page information about the Educode project was given in September 2019 edition of the Vision magazine, which was published by Dokuz Eylül University and sent to all departments. This magazine was delivered to all academic, administrative staff and students of the Dokuz Eylül University in İzmir-Turkey